Supporting innovative cancer research projects is one of the core tasks of the two partner organisations - the Swiss Cancer Research foundation and the Swiss Cancer League. This site - Grant Application Portal (GAP) - is shared by these partner organisations for the interaction with their grant applicants and reviewers throughout the entire application and review process through to grant and outcomes monitoring and beyond.
If you wish to apply for funding, please refer to the information for researchers on our website before applying to one of our funding rounds.
Grant holders should have a funding acknowledgement statement included in any publications resulting from our funding. Find out more on Publications.
Application submission schedule
Cancer Research Grants and International Research Fellowships
Grant Type, (Round), Opening and Closing Dates
Cancer research grant, (January round), opens end of November, closes: 31 January, 12:00 noon (Central European Time)
Fellowship, (January round), opens end of November, closes: 31 January, 12:00 noon (Central European Time)
Decisions on the aforementioned rounds are communicated per e-mail by the end of June
Cancer research grant, (July round), opens end of May, closes: 31 July, 12:00 noon (Central European Time)
Fellowship, (July round), opens end of May, closes: 31 July, 12:00 noon (Central European Time)
Decisions on the aforementioned rounds are communicated per e-mail by mid-December
Scientific Conferences
rounds are ongoing, submissions: 6 months prior to the event
Krebsliga beider Basel
Grant Type, (Round), Opening and Closing dates
Cancer Research Grant Krebsliga beider Basel, opens on 15 November 2024, closes: 31 January 2025 12:00 noon (Central European Time), applicants from the Basel region are eligible to apply
For grant applications related to pediatric oncology, consult the Stiftung für krebskranke Kinder, Regio Basiliensis website.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
To guard against potential external vulnerabilities, we’ve introduced Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) to enhance system security.
Questions? Consult our Questions & Answers page, the User Guide below or Contact us.
Thank you for investing in science and cancer research.
Swiss Cancer Research foundation & Swiss Cancer League